Screen while editing and later when the document is printed. Gridlines, guidelines, and borders/fills can help you format a table on Table gridlines, table guidelines, and table borders/backgrounds

See Footnote 1 below for some solutions.] Screen (LCD) monitors and Windows settings. Instead, they might be caused by some flat [Also note that sometimes these issues are See the next column for some information about table gridlines, table guidelines, and table borders - what they do, how they work, and how they can impact one another. Are gray dotted editing lines missing in tables? Or around the edges of a page or label (page margins) ?.Can't see white text on a black or colored background ("fill") in a table?.Can't see table border lines around table cells on your screen even though they.© Copyright 1996-2022 by Barry MacDonnell. Templates for Corel® WordPerfect® for Windows® | Other Authors | Other WP Sites | Writer's Links | Contact | Site Map

Barry MacDonnell's Toolbox for WordPerfect for Windows - Table Gridlines, Borders, and Guidelines