What is spyhunter malware
What is spyhunter malware

what is spyhunter malware what is spyhunter malware

Though PUPs can at times be hazardous and it is preferable if you remove them as soon as you learn about their presence, they are generally less problematic when compared to the virus threats that we’ve just mentioned.

what is spyhunter malware

If your security tool has alerted you to the presence of PUP malware on your computer, what you should know is that your machine has likely not gotten attacked by some highly-dangerous malware program like a Ransomware cryptovirus, a Spyware infection or a Trojan Horse. In most cases, when a user learns about the presence of PUP malware on their machine, it is either because there has been some unusual activity on the computer (such as sudden changes to the browser and irritating generation of commercial online messages that follow the user to every site they visit) or because their antivirus/antimalware program has detected the unwanted software (PUP stands for potentially unwanted program). A question that a lot of users have been asking lately is “What is a PUP malware?” and here we are going to answer that question and also give you some important and useful pieces of advice on how to properly deal with such software on your PC. Nowadays, it becomes increasingly different to tell the difference between a legitimate program and a potentially unwanted one and between that and an actual nasty virus infection.

What is spyhunter malware